Total war 4 player campaign

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When you play a 3D battle, IA control your faction time you finish. And we can abord this option with an ADD-ON (or a stand alone ?) 'total war Rome II : real time' ? so, you will have a turn by turn, 2 players for multi campaign with the vo game, and max players possible (with the number of faction) for the add-on ? and possibility for the host to close factions to humans players if you want less players. Yes you can play at 2, but you can play at 20 with this system. The real time is an solution to have massiv multi-players (i speak about campaign ! not a simple multi battle). If you want more that 2 players in a multiplayers campaign, you need dont wait lot of minute pear player. If you dont know what it could offer, buy or download the game 'Knight of honor', you will see, its similar to total war but in real time except that in the game we cant play multiplayers in campaign (Petitions were made but the publisher did not want because it was not included in the original budget and today it's too late because the studio was bought by crytek.)

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guys, why you dont think to the real time system for the mutiplayer campaign ?